repas de famille


In Togo , Honduras, Thailand and many other countries around the world are dozen of children at the intersection and traffic lights who stretch out their cans and to ask for a little money or food. Barefoot on burning asphalt in the midst of exhaust fumes and the dangers of traffic. At night they take refuge in house entrances or bus stations to sleep for a few hours.

The term “Street children” usually refers to children who live on the street or in public places such as markets and do small jobs. According to UNICEF more than 100 million children live on the streets worldwide. However the exact number is difficult to determine. Many children live one the street because they have fled poverty, war abuse or other problems in their families.

Most of the time these children have no adults to look after them so many of them are forces to beg or steal to survive. Hardly any child who lives on the street receives adequate education or health care. They are vulnerable and difficult to protect making them an easy target for exploration.

According to the World Health Organization there are three different types of children living on the street:

  • Street children – These children have been abandoned by their families or are orphans whose family members have died. They are fully responsible for their survival and must find shelter and food regardless of whether they are able to do so.
  • Children “on the street” – These children still have a family and may also have regular contact with their relatives. Many of them spend the days on the street to avoid abuse or because their homes are overcrowded . Sometimes the children on the street also contribute to the family income through small jobs.
  • Children from a “street family” These children live with their families on the street. Most of these families have to deal with fate or deprivation due to war , natural disasters or unemployment.
This text is taken from SEL France blog: